The Well and Bucket pub in Bethnal Green has been commended in the retail category of this year’s New London Awards. Our project forms part of a joint submission with Julian Harrap Architects who are responsible for the regeneration of the terrace as a whole.

The New London Awards recognise the very best in architecture, planning and development in the capital. New and proposed projects across all sectors of the built environment were eligible and were judged by an eminent international jury. The jury was looking for schemes – both built and unbuilt – of the highest design quality that demonstrate a positive impact on their surroundings and make a wider contribution to life in the city. Winning schemes will be featured in the NLA galleries alongside all shortlisted schemes at The Building Centre and in a special publication.

The Bethnal Green Regeneration Scheme was jointly funded project by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and English Heritage to improve street frontages along Bethnal Green Road. The goal of the scheme was to transform perceptions of the area, encourage positive change and stimulate investment. The project sought to return over 70 neglected historic buildings back to their appearance in circa 1900.  Missing architectural elements have been re-instated, new shopfronts, modelled on the original timber framed shopfronts, have replaced the aluminium shopfronts.

The Well and Bucket pub forms the centre piece of this terrace and has been re-instated by our client, Barworks, to its historical use of a pub after being used as a leather wholesaler for a number of decades. This was a project about uncovering and discovery as an architectural solution.


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New London Architecture